Thursday, July 7, 2011


On the 25th of February, 2011, FreddieW uploaded a video called Epic VFX Time. I watched the video and experienced something unexpected. A strange, tall bearded man began speaking... no... it would be more accurate to say he began exercising his will on the camera and the very street on which the video was filmed. I had to know who this man was. This man who referred to himself as...

Upon completion of the video, I searched YouTube for Epic Meal Time (EMT) and clicked on what would be my first true taste; TurBaconEpic Thanksgiving. Immediately after, I subscribed to the channel, proceeded to watch each and every single video they had created. I watched their origin as Fast Food Pizza, I watched the creative crafting of Fast Food Sushi, I watched the evolution of Harley's facial hair and I watched the thematic dedication of Tequila Taco Night.

These individuals, with nothing more than their instinct, stomach, stomach and effort, created one of the most influential and honest videos of this generation. The many tributes, off-shoots, variations and other miscellaneous creations stemming from EMT stand as testaments to that part of our heart that has a curiosity... no... a desire to push the possibilities of food.

...and Bacon.

This is one of the few times I will mention myself directly. I have created this blog, not as a direct opinion center, but as a study of each video created by the EMT team and the virtue that may be found within. Each work and how it shapes the members. Each work and how it progresses the advancement of their creativity. Each work moving them one step closer to more Epic creations.

I am Anewkeitaro.
And I love Epic Mealtime.

We make your dreams come true, and then we eat them.” -Epic Meal Time

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